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Announcing our new Product Testing Program

We just started up a group dedicated specifically to product testers. Since SL’s permissions scheme is so convoluted, it was important to make sure our products are completely functional and easy to use for everyone.

I do usability testing at my real job, and one thing I’ve learned is that it’s important to give some kind of reward or token of appreciation for the time it takes (sometimes considerable) out of a person’s day to give useful feedback. Group members who actively participate will receive a gift in exchange for their time, every time they help improve a product.

Any kind of feedback from a customer is valuable, especially the negative feedback; it truly is an opportunity to save a relationship with a customer. People who actually give negative feedback are still invested in the company and product; they still care. It’s the people who simply walk away who without a word that are truly lost.

Anyway, you can tell I’m passionate about customer service. Using a product tester group will hopefully allow us to make better, more effective products for you.

In the shop, near the stairs to the 2nd floor, is a small stand with a notecard giver on it. Touch it and you will get instructions for the group, what is expected, and what you get in return.

If you want to join right away you can find the group in SecondLife’s Search — search for “SFW product test” and you should find it.