Blog Archives

Product Release: Ladies’ Mesh Metro Vests

A new mesh-based ladies’ top, called the “Metro Vest”, was just released this week, both on SL Marketplace and in the LOFT store. Remember, the LOFT is being remodeled, so things may look a little wonky.

This is SFW’s first experiment with releasing clothing that adheres to the popular “Standard Sizing” system, and I am anxious to see how it’s received. Standard Sizing has it’s pros and cons, with very strong opinions on either side of the fence, but from a business standpoint it makes sense for SFW. You can get copies of the Standard Sizing shapes for free from Marketplace, or for your convenience I’ve copied the information notecard that is packaged with it onto a post in this blog.

Click the images to jump directly to that product listing on Marketplace, or buy the item in-world here:

Product Release: Ladies’ Kurti-inspired Camisoles

New ladies’ camisoles released this week, both on SL Marketplace and in the LOFT store. Remember, the LOFT is being remodeled, so things may look a little wonky. Click the images to jump directly to that product listing on Marketplace, or buy the item in-world here: